Laboratory of Marine Ecology in Operation of Ships

The laboratory goals: development and implementation of new, effective methods for the protection of the sea and the environment during the operation of ships, extraction of hydrogen sulphide from the Black Sea and its processing on floating platforms or onshore complexes into heat, electricity, environmentally friendly fuel – hydrogen, mineral fertilizers, chemical compounds, processing and neutralization ballast waters.

The main tasks of the laboratory are:

• analysis of the world, domestic scientific and technical literature, patents aimed at protecting of the sea, environment, methods of neutralizing ships waste gases from the power plant, ballast waters, purification of bilge waste waters, disposal of solid waste received on ships;

• development of methods for utilization of hydrocarbon vapors during storage, transportation, loading and unloading of oil, light oil products on board the vessel;

• development of efficient systems for the production of inert gases from the exhaust gases of the power plant on board the vessel in order to ensure fire safety;

• development of effective environmentally friendly methods of extraction and complex processing of deep sea hydrogen sulfide;

• development of effective methods of purification of ships bilge, waste water;

• development of methods for processing and neutralizing of ballast water from bio-phytoplankton;

• development of a system for monitoring the quality of the sea, environment during the operation of ships with the aim of minimizing the pollution of the sea, environment with ships material and energy waste.