“Being modern means lifelong learning”
Transformations of reality rapidly take place due to modern technologies. Modernization of the Ukrainian educational sector, reform of higher education put forward new strategic tasks for libraries of higher educational institutions. Their solution requires a number of complex, systemic, organizational, structural and technological changes in accordance with modern trends.
The general vision of the necessary changes is offered by the strategy of library development for the period up to 2025 “Qualitative changes of libraries to ensure sustainable development of Ukraine” according to which libraries develop strategies of their own development. Main goals of KSMA library are:
- Provision of library services
- Systematization, classification, indexing of educational and scientific literature
- Organization and maintenance of bibliographic apparatus, creation of database
- Cooperation of library with the departments of the academy, and providing them with the necessary methodological assistance
- Establishment of the international activity of the University’s Library.
Withdrawal of irrelevant documents that have lost their scientific, educational, production value.
The library is an integral part of the higher education system, which provides students and academic staff with versatile informational to ensure qualified educational and scientific work.
In the library, one can get access to information, gain new knowledge and skills. The library promotes continuous education and self-education, as defined in the Library Manifesto for Europe. (https://www.europe4libraries2019.eu).

“Providing innovations, we draw on the best resources to ensure that the new digital age lives up to our expectations.”
E. Schmidt, J. Cohen
With the development of information technology, the main information e-resource of KSMA library has become an electronic catalog (EC) that provides users with an opportunity to obtain information about the storage of the document, its availability, number of items.
EC library databases began to be formed in 2016. EC is the basis of information services and the main information product of KSMA library in modern conditions.
The Repository of KSMA library is an electronic archive with scientific, educational and methodological documents created by research and teaching staff, postgraduate students, doctoral students and students of the academy, which provides them with permanent free full-text access of the works.
Library catalogs are its integral part. Now they are experience extraordinary development. Electronic catalogs and the Repository can be accessed on the Internet and using the mobile search at a convenient time for users, making them one of the most popular library and bibliographic resources.
Main Library of KSMA:
Address: 42 Ushakova avenue (building 6), Kherson
Contact information:biblio@ksma.ks.ua
Monday – Thursday: 8.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m
Friday: 08.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday: Days off
Last day of the month is a sanitary day
Maritime College of KSMA Library:
Address: 25 Nebesnoii Sotni Str. (dormitory), Kherson
Contact information:49–92–06 (0552 – code of Kherson)
Monday – Friday: 8.00 a.m. – 7.00 p.m
Saturday: 9.00 a.m. – 5.15 p.m
Sunday: Day off
The last Friday of the month is a sanitary day
Professional Maritime Lyceum Library
Address: 122 Bohorodytska str., Kherson,
Monday – Friday: 8.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday: Days off