Navigation faculty includes seven departments, one of which is graduation.
The faculty prepares applicants for higher education in full-time and part-time forms of study in accordance with educational and professional training programs for the first (Bachelor’s) and second (Master’s) levels of higher education in the specialty 271 “River and Sea Transport” specialization: 271.01 Navigation.
Training of applicants for higher education in the specialty 271.01 Navigation meets the requirements that are determined by the national and international educational standards in the field of training specialists in the maritime industry of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU).
Training of applicants for higher education – future navigators, as defined in sections A-II / 1, A-II / 2, A-II / 3 of the International Convention on the Training, Certification and Watchkeeping of Seafarers (STCW), IMO Model Courses 2014 Edition:
7.01 – Master and Chief Officer
7.03 – Officer in Charge of Navigating Watch
Training of applicants for higher education includes:
• compliance with the requirements of the competence standards defined by Regulations II/1, II/2, II/3 of STCW, 1978, as amended;
• obtaining by the applicant of higher education during his studies the necessary seagoing experience, systematic practical training and experience in performing the tasks, duties and responsibilities of Watchkeeping officer.
• formation of general, professional and special competencies, necessary for successful performing of duties in the field of navigation and management of river and sea transport facilities.
Educational and professional programs:
Navigation (Bachelor’s Degree)
Navigation (Master’s Degree)
Navigation faculty includes the following departments:
Ship Handling
English Language for Deck Officers
English language for Maritime Officers (Abridged Programme)
Economics and Maritime Law
Innovative Technologies and Technical Means of Navigation