A center for simulator maritime training as well as postgraduate education and seafarers advanced training has been opened at Kherson State Maritime Academy.
In accordance with “Provisions for the Procedure of conferring of ranks on officers of seagoing ships” (as revised by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 373 on March 5, 2007), advanced training course is mandatory for reappointment and promotion.
In-service training courses are carried out according to the curricula and programs developed by the departments and approved by the KSMA Academic Council as well as agreed with Maritime Administration of Ukraine. Their main purpose is to improve the seafarers’ technical knowledge and skills under Resolutions 7, 8, 9, 10 of the International Convention on STCW 78, as amended in 2010. Marine navigation officers, engineering and electrical officers attend these courses.
Advanced training majoring in a management level and operational level is taken by masters and navigators.
The training program includes:
- navigation;
- cargo handling and stowage;
- ship control and care for people on board.
Advanced training majoring in a management level is taken by chief engineer officers as well as 1st and 2nd engineer officers, in an operational level – 3rd engineer officers.
The training program includes:
- marine machinery;
- electrical and electronic control equipment;
- maintenance and repair;
- ship control and care for people on board.
Advanced training majoring in electrical engineering is taken by 1st,2nd and 3rd electro-technical engineer officers.
The training program includes:
- electrical and electronic control equipment;
- maintenance and repair at the operational level;
- ship control and care for people on board.
Advanced training course includes lectures, practical classes, simulator training, theoretical and practical guidance, as well as competence testing on simulators and laboratory equipment.
Advanced training courses are conducted by highly qualified teachers, doctors of Philosophy, associate professors, masters, chief engineer officers, and 1st engineer officers.
Advanced training course time is 10 working days.
On completing the participants of the courses are awarded with the certificates of advanced training.
Applications are accepted from 0800 to 1700 daily.
e-Mail: : kpk.ksma@gmail.com
20 Ushakova avenue,
Kherson, 73000