Learning and Methodological Facilities

The list of disciplines assigned to the department

  1. Basic safety and basics of labor protection.
  2. Basic safety and basics of labor safety workshop “Simulation Training”.
  3. Ensuring life safety onboard the ship.
  4. Physical Education.
  5. Organization and regulatory support of ship safety.
  6. Live-saving appliances
  7. Familiarization with fastening of containers.

Methodical work of the Department of Life Safety and Professional Physical Training is aimed at the formation of physical culture and health competencies, improving the system of physical education, significantly improving the health of students/cadets, physical education and efficiency of future professionals.

The main task of the department is: creation of new sports and health technologies, which will provide an opportunity to stimulate the interest of students/cadets in physical activities. The main task of the department is: creation of new physical culture and health technologies that will provide an opportunity to intensify the interest of students/cadets in exercise, healthy lifestyle, replenishment of knowledge about ways to preserve and strengthen their health, ability to independently and creatively solve not only personal , but also social issues. Introduction into the educational process of a new methodical system, the basis of which is the principle of fundamentality and physical culture and health orientation, namely:

  • s of physical education and current needs of personal development;
  • ntegration of traditional means of physical education and new innovative technologies, which will  increase the intensity and effectiveness of the educational process in physical education, as well as the activation of physical culture and health activities in extracurricular activities;
  • ity-oriented approach;
  • mproving the forms, methods and means of involving students/cadets to participate in physical education and sports events;
  • nvolvement of applicants of high education to self-motivated exercises and sports, which will contribute to the expansion of health potential, acquiring new skills and abilities.

The department has developed new methodical recommendations, which strengthened control over the effectiveness and quality of mastering by students/cadets of the tests, as well as increasing physical activity in practical and self-study:

  1. M. Kruglik, V. Svirida, Methodical Recommendations. Methods of teaching the technique of free throws. – Kherson: KSMA, 2018. – – 38 p.
  2. V. Guzar, V. Khomenko. Methodical Recommendations. Methods of teaching the technique of running at middle distances. – Kherson: KSMA, 2018. – – 36 p.
  3. S. Yuskiv, V. Topal. Methodical Recommendations. Methods of  planning and conducting self-study activities. – Kherson: KSMA. 2018. – – 48 p.
  4. V. Saratovsky. Methodical Recommendations. Methods of teaching gymnastic exercises. – Kherson: KSMA. 2018. – – 53 p.
  5. P. Godlevsky, V. Guzar, S. Yuskiv. Methods of development physical properties with the help of simulators. Methodical Recommendations. Kherson: KSMA, 2018. 36 p.
  6. M. Kruglik. Methodical Recommendations. Basketball. – Kherson: KSMA, 2018. – – 61 p.
  7. V. Guzar, P. Godlevsky, S. Yuskiv. Methods of teaching long jump from the run. Methodical Recommendations. Kherson: KSMA, 2019 . 35 p.
  8. V. Khomenko, P. Godlevsky, V. Guzar, S. Yuskiv. Methodical recommendations. Methods of teaching technical and tactical training in football. – Kherson: KSMA, 2019. – – 49 p.
  9. M. Kruglik. Terminology of physical education: Educational and methodical guidebook. Kherson: KSMA, 2019. – – 77 p.
  10. O. Saratovsky. Methodical Recommendations. Sports games: Volleyball. – Kherson: KSMA, 2020. – – 35 p.
  11. M. Kruglik. Methodical Recommendations. Sports Games: Basketball. – Kherson: KSMA, 2020. – – 21 p.
  12. V. Khomenko, V. Guzar. Methodical Recommendations. Professional Applied Physical Training. – Kherson: KSMA, 2020. – – 27 p.
  13. O. Saratovsky. Methodical Recommendations. Prof. Applied Physical Training. – Kherson: KSMA, 2020. – – 37 p.
  14. M. Kruglik. Methodical Recommendations. Sports Games: Basketball. – Kherson: KSMA, 2020. – – 48 p.

According to the plan, the department constantly conducts scientific and methodical seminars. In 2019-2020 there were 2 scientific and 3 methodical seminars, where the lecturers of the department delivered their reports.