Learning and Methodological Facilities

Methodological work at the department is an important component of the educational process and is aimed at solving problems of improving the quality of training on the basis of a comprehensive approach to improving the content, organization and methods of teaching, including communicative approach.

Among the main methodological tasks for research and teaching staff: working with curricula and syllabuses; reviewing and correcting work programs in all specialties for abridged program; finalizing curricula taking into account the requirements of the competence approach; development and placement of tasks on the KSMA distance learning site; work with coursebooks and methodological materials; development of new and updating existing test tasks for modular tests; updating the content of tickets for the semester exam at the level of “Bachelor” for cadets of abridged program; updating the content of home tasks and control tasks for distance learning applicants; conducting scientific seminars (according to a separate plan approved by other departments of English); conducting meetings on the development of methodological skills of teachers (Faculty Development Sessions) based on the results of classes attended; attending and discussing open classes; organizing mutual attendance of classes; conducting individual consultations and working off missed classes by cadets during the academic year, etc.

Teachers of the department develop an educational and methodical complex, which includes:

• curriculum based on the educational and professional program of the state educational standard;

• plans and reference summaries of classes on paper and electronic media, and coursebooks;

• topics and guidelines for tests;

• methodological recommendations for studying the discipline, recommendations for the organization of self-study and the implementation of individual tasks;

• individual teacher courses on the Moodle platform;

• tasks for self-study on the Moodle platform;

• system of test tasks for an ongoing monitoring.

List of basic department coursebooks:

Sail Safe: coursebook / [S. Barsuk, K. Boiko, M. Ischenko, V. Kudryavtseva]. – Kherson: “STAR” PH, 2020. – 216 p. : English.

Watch Out: textbook / [N. Bobrysheva, O. Tsyganenko, T. Pindosova, V. Kudryavtseva].Kherson : “STAR” PH, 2020. – 202 p.

Catch the Wind: coursebook / [I. Kulikova, I. Kutsenko, T. Pindosova, V. Smelikova, O. Tsyganenko]. – Kherson : “STAR” PH, 2019. – 184 p. : English.

Get It Done: coursebook / [O. Fedorova, M. Ishchenko, N. Sheveleva-Garkusha, O. Tsyganenko, I. Verbii].Kherson : “STAR” PH, 2019. – 204p. : English.

Smart Control: coursebook / [Yu. Barzii, O. Litikova, N. Ohorodnyk, H. Solovei, Ya. Usova]. – Kherson: “Borysfen-Pro” PH, 2018. – 238 p.

Control The Power!: coursebook / [I. Krasnovska, M. Ohyienko, Yu. Tymoschuk]. – Kherson: “TIMEX” PH, 2020. – 162 p.: English.

Methodological recommendations for the implementation of self-study of higher education students in the discipline “English (for professional purposes)”, A. Volkova, 2020, 8 p.

Methodological recommendations for the implementation of self-study of higher education students in the discipline “English (for professional purposes)”, O. Savchenko, 8 p.

Methodological recommendations for conducting practical classes in the discipline “English (for professional purposes)”, A. Volkova, 2020, 157 p.

Methodological recommendations for conducting practical classes in the discipline “English (for professional purposes)”, Yu. Tymoschuk, O. Savchenko, 31 p.

Individual teacher courses on the Moodle platform

Fedorova O. V.https://mdl.ksma.ks.ua/course/view.php?id=1403
Kutsenko I. V.https://mdl.ksma.ks.ua/course/view.php?id=1405
Pindosova T. S.https://mdl.ksma.ks.ua/course/view.php?id=1404
Sheveleva-Garkusha N. V.https://mdl.ksma.ks.ua/course/view.php?id=1401
Tsyganenko O. A.https://mdl.ksma.ks.ua/course/view.php?id=1402
Ryabukha I. M.https://mdl.ksma.ks.ua/course/index.php?categoryid=1095
Volkova A. S.https://mdl.ksma.ks.ua/course/index.php?categoryid=1096
Tokarieva O. V.https://mdl.ksma.ks.ua/course/index.php?categoryid=1097
Yurzhenko A. Yu.https://mdl.ksma.ks.ua/course/index.php?categoryid=1205
Tymoshchuk Yu.V.https://mdl.ksma.ks.ua/course/index.php?categoryid=1093
Savchenko O.O.https://mdl.ksma.ks.ua/course/index.php?categoryid=1094