Intellectual property in KSMA
The Academy cadets’ inventions as a result of their research activities within scientific circles and task groups are patented by the Ukrainian patent office. Thus, in 2021, two utility model patents have been obtained:
- No. 146799 Determination of the isotropic mechanical constants.
Authors: Aleksenko V., Buketova N., Buketov O., Taran M., Fostyk P.;
XI All-Ukrainian Student Scientific Conference
“Modern Problems of Maritime Transport and Navigation Safety”
On November 18, 2021, on the basis of Kherson State Maritime Academy, the XI All-Ukrainian student scientific conference “Modern problems of maritime transport and navigation safety” was held remotely. In total, 123 students from eleven higher education institutions of Ukraine took part in the conference. An electronic collection of scientific papers was published to follow up on the conference.
Competition of cadets research papers
On May 19, 2021, in celebration of the Science Day in Ukraine, the final conference on the results of the annual scientific competition of the Academy cadets scientific works was held in accordance with the order of the rector No. 12-AG dated February 26, 2021 “On holding a competition of scientific research among cadets of KSMA”.
Five research papers were submitted to participate in the final stage of the competition. The winners of the competition were awarded:
- the 1st degree diploma and a valuable gift: cadet Marynchenko D.,
- the 2nd degree diploma and a valuable gift: cadet Anisov M.,
- the 3rd degree diploma and a valuable gift: cadet Sychov D.
In observance of National Science Day on May 15, 2021, the Rector’s Diplomas for active research activities were awarded to cadet Anisov M., group 121, Navigation faculty and cadet Marynchenko D., 211 group, Marine Engineering faculty.
Participation in All-Ukrainian Competitions of Students Research Papers
in the field of knowledge and specialties
According to the order of the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science from 24.11.2020 № 1457 “About carrying out competition of students research papers in the field of knowledge and specialties during 2020/2021 academic year” the 1st round of the competition was held at KSMA. The students research papers (19) were submitted to the consideration of competition committee, appointed by the order of the rector of KSMA No. 95 from 10.12.20. The research papers were selected and recommended for the 2nd round and sent to the relevant basic institutions of higher education in Ukraine:
- Four research papers in the field of specialty “Operation and repair of transport means” were sent to Azov State Technical University.
- Seven research papers in the field of specialty “Applied geometry, engineering graphics and technical aesthetics” were sent to the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”.
- Eight research papers in the field of specialty “Shipbuilding and water transport” were sent to the sections: “Information technologies on water transport”, “Ship power plants”, “Navigation and Safety at Sea”, “Electrical plants”, “Engineering structures and researches of water” were sent to Odesa National Maritime University.
According to the results of reviewing and carrying out the 2nd round of the competition, one cadet was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree, two cadets were awarded a diploma of the 2nd degree, and one diploma – of the 3rd degree:
- Litusenko S. took the 1st place in the field of specialty “Applied geometry, engineering graphics and technical aesthetics” (research paper “Geometric modeling of the crosshead assembly of the K98MS series MAN B&W marine engines”, research adviser: Ph.D., assistant professor, the head of the department of ship power plants Savchuk V.);
- cadet Anisov M. took the 2nd place in the field of specialty “Shipbuilding and water transport”, section “Information technologies on water transport” (research paper “Identification of human factor negative manifestation in ship management”, research adviser: Ph.D., professor, vice-rector for research Ben A.);
- cadet Blahodatnyi V. took the 2nd place in the field of specialty “Shipbuilding and water transport”, section “Ship power plants” (research paper “Analysis of the stress-strain state of the modernized pistons of RTA96C diesel engines from WARTSILA”, research adviser: Ph.D., assistant professor Zinchenko D.);
- cadet Drahunov P. took the 3rd place in the field of specialty “Shipbuilding and water transport”, section “Information technologies on water transport” (research paper “Mathematical modelling of the gyrocompass sensitive element for improving the accuracy of ship control”, research adviser: Ph.D., Zinchenko S.).
Patents Awarded to the Academy Cadets
The Academy cadets’ innovations are awarded by the Ukrainian utility model patents. Thus, during 2020 and 2021, three patents were obtained:
- No. 145904 (the author team: Leonov V., Yermolenko Ya., Rubl’ov I., Bondarchuk A., Bondarchuk O.) “Marine clean fuel generation from plastic waste”, registered : 01/06/2021, Bull. No. 1.
- No. 139986 (the author team: Aleksenko V., Akimov O., Del’gas D., Avramenko A.) “Ship propulsion complex”, registered: 10.02.2020, Bulletin No. 3.
- No. 142724 (the author team: Aleksenko V., Romanov B., Smetankyn S., Sotsenko V., Fostyk P., Yurenin K.) “Tensile testing of a material sample with low flexural strength”, registered: 06/25/2020, Bulletin No. 12.
X All-Ukrainian Student Scientific Conference
“Modern Problems of Maritime Transport and Navigation Safety”
On November 19, 2020, on the basis of Kherson State Maritime Academy, the X All-Ukrainian student scientific conference “Modern problems of maritime transport and navigation safety” was held remotely. In total, 136 students from nine higher education institutions of Ukraine took part in the conference. Based on the results of the conference, an electronic collection of scientific papers was published in two volumes.
Competition of scientific researches among cadets of KSMA
According to the order of the rector № 29 from 16.03.2020 y. “About carrying out of scientific researches competition among cadets of KSMA” on the 22nd of May 2020 as part of the day of science in Ukraine, a competition of cadets scientific research of the KSMA was held. Seven scientific research papers were submitted:
- part-time students Sitnikov O. (group 143), Yurenin K. (group 152M), research paper “New technology for mooring equipment installation”, research adviser: senior lecturer Aleksenko V., PhD, doctoral student Buketova N.);
- cadet Omelianenko Ye. (group 251M), research paper “Systems of internal mixing of ship low-speed gas-diesel engines low pressure”, research adviser: Ph.D., assistant professor Bilousov Ye.;
- cadet Yakovenko D. (group 233 (abridged program)), research paper “Thermal preparation of transport means with a bi-fuel power system”, research adviser: senior lecturer Pohorletskyi D.;
- cadet Shliakhover A., (group 251), research paper “Improving the method of mounting tolerances for gearwheels plain bearings of transport vehicles”, research adviser: Ph.D., assistant professor Savchuk V.;
- cadet Volochniuk V. (group 242), research paper “Investigation of the crank mechanism bearings performance of the low-speed engine Wartsila 7RT-FLEX 82C at different load modes”, research adviser: Ph.D., assistant professor Savchuk V.;
- cadet Krivopuskov D., (group 351), research paper “The use of shaft generators to improve the ship’s power system and increase its efficiency”, research adviser: Ph.D., assistant professor Kolebanov O.;
- cadet Puhachov A. (group 222), research paper “Information system for monitoring the technical condition of transport means and modes of work and rest of the monitoring object in operating conditions”, research adviser: senior lecturer Khudiakov I.
Due to the restrictions specified in the order of the rector №10-r from 12.03.20. “About the organization peculiarities of the educational process at the Kherson State Maritime Academy” and in accordance with the clarifications of the order №17-R from 13.05.20. “About the rector of KSMA some orders modification” based on the results of internal review the final round of the competition was held.
The competition committee reviewed the evaluation papers and determined the winners based on the final scores:
- Shliakhover A. – the 1st degree diploma.
- Krivopuskov D. – the 2nd degree diploma.
- Omelianenko Ye. and Volochniuk V. – the 3rd degree diploma.
On the occasion of Science Day in Ukraine on May 16, 2020, the rector’s diplomas for active research activities were awarded to: cadet Vildanov V., (group 121 (navigation department)); cadet Puhachov A. (group 222 (marine engineering department)); cadet Romanov B. (group 222 (marine engineering department)); cadet Fedchenko M. (group 122 (navigation department).
Participation in All-Ukrainian Competition
of Student Scientific Works
According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 04.10.2019 No. 1271 “On holding the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in fields of knowledge and specialties in 2019/2020 academic year”, the first round was held in KSMA. 13 competitive works were submitted to the contest commission, appointed by order of rector of KSMA No. 131-AG dated 10/17/19. Research papers recommended for participation in the II round were sent to the relevant basic higher education institutions of Ukraine:
- Three works under the codes “Power engineering”, “Muxen”, “Damper”, from the field of knowledge “Energy” in State Higher Education Institution “Pryazovskyi State Technical University”.
- Three works under the codes “Monitoring”, “Heat accumulator”, “Transport”, in the field of knowledge “Automobile transport” in the field “Operation and repair of vehicles” to Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University.
- Seven works under the codes “GIR”, “ISM”, “Container ship loading”, “Sail”, “Cylindrical specimen”, “Water purification”, “Fuel nozzle” in the specialty “Shipbuilding and Water Transport” at the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding.
Given the 2nd round results of the absentia competition in April 2020, two cadets were awarded with the 2nd degree diplomas as well as five cadets gained the 3rd degree diplomas:
- cadet Bilyi D. gained the 2nd degree diploma in the field of knowledge “Shipbuilding and water transport”, section “Navigation and maritime safety”, research advisor: Ph.D., associate professor Ben A.;
- cadet Vil’danov V. gained the 2nd degree diploma in the field of knowledge “Shipbuilding and water transport”, section “Shipping services and cargo operations”, research adviser: Ph.D., associate professor Aleksandrova N.
- cadet Dodonov V. gained the 3rd degree diploma in the field of knowledge “Energy”, research adviser: Ph.D., associate professor Aheiev M.;
- cadet Puhachov A. gained the 3rd degree diploma in the field of knowledge “Motor transport”, research adviser Khudiakov I. was thanked officially by the rector of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University A. Turenko;
- cadet Bershtein D. gained the 3rd degree diploma in the field of knowledge “Shipbuilding and water transport”, section “Navigation and maritime safety”, research adviser: Ph.D., associate professor Zinchenko S.;
- cadet Yurenin K. gained the 3rd degree diploma in the field of knowledge “Shipbuilding and water transport”, section “Ship maintenance and repair”, research adviser: senior lecturer Aleksenko V.;
- cadet Romanov B. gained the 3rd degree diploma in the field of knowledge “Shipbuilding and water transport”, section “Ship maintenance and repair”, research adviser: senior lecturer Aleksenko V.