Kherson State Maritime Academy is a higher educational institution of the IV accreditation level, which trains professionals of the full range of seagoing, ship building and maritime working specialties.
The high knowledge level of cadets of the Academy and its structural subdivisions is reached due to laborious work of more than 400 academic professionals and lecturers: doctors and candidates of sciences, professors, associate professors, acting maritime professionals – masters, chief officers, chief engineers, electrical engineers etc. One should not forget also about the technical equipment of laboratories and classrooms, without which it would have been practically impossible to reach the appropriate level of cadets’ training.

Main Building of the Academy
The KSMA educational and laboratory facilities meet all national and international requirements for training of maritime professionals, and some of the simulators available at KSMA have no equivalents in Europe. The facilities of KSMA are constantly upgraded, and its educational and training complex –supplemented with new laboratories.
Right before the ceremony of Succession of Marine Generations on the occasion of inauguration to KSMA cadets 2016, the educational and training complex “KSMA – Virtual Reality Vessel” was opened at Kherson State Maritime Academy. The laboratory and simulator equipment was purchased and installed with the support of the central and local government authorities due to yearlong fruitful cooperation of KSMA with partner companies such as Marlow Navigation Co. Ltd, the German Investment Corporation DEG, the International Maritime Employers’ Council (IMEC) etc.
The complex consists of 19 laboratories, 16 simulators and 21 classrooms, the pearls of which are: Navigation Bridge Integrated Simulator, which consists of Electronic Chart Display and Information System Laboratory, Radar/ARPA Simulator Laboratory and Full Mission Navigation Bridge Laboratory; Engine Room Integrated Simulator, which consists of two engine rooms, Instructor’s Workplace and Theoretical Training Classroom; DP Integrated Simulator, which consists of Full Mission Navigation Bridge of Dynamic Positioning, Theoretical Training Classroom and Classroom with Separate DP Stations; GMDSS Simulator, which consists of two separate classrooms for practical training; Survival and Fire Fighting Centre; Cargo Operations Laboratory; Fire Fighting Ground; Mooring Station; Ship Power Plants Laboratory; Medical Care on Board Ship Laboratory; High Voltage Equipment Laboratory; Electrical Engineering and Automatic Electric Drive Laboratory; Information Technology Laboratory; Water Station; Group Life Saving Appliances Laboratory. These and many other facilities, simulators, laboratories and specialized classrooms ensure high training level of cadets of Kherson State Maritime Academy and allow them to establish their firm position at national and international labour markets.
On the day of inauguration to cadets of KSMA – October 14, 2017 – there were opened Mooring Station and the open air gym with rubber carpet and 19 pieces of outdoor fitness equipment, on which 33 cadets can train at a time. The opening took place with participation of Chairman of Marlow Navigation Hermann Eden, heads of the region and enterprises, as well as public figures. On December 14, 2017 the solemn opening of the Rigging Workshop, Engine Room Shop and Laboratory for Lecturers in Teaching Methodology of Innovation Technology Implementation in Seafarers’ Professional Training took place.
Mooring Station is the unique simulator designed for theoretical training in mooring gears and development of skills in ship’s mooring with/without tugs under different winds, tides and streams. Mooring Station comprises equipped laboratory “Rigging Workshop” for carrying out practical rigging works and theoretical classes on structure and functions of different ship’s rigging. The workshop is equipped with 10 lathes containing vises and necessary tools.
The educational establishment consists of 3 structural subdivisions: Professional Maritime Lyceum where professionals in working specialties at the educational level of Skilled Worker are trained. Maritime College at KSMA provides training of Junior Specialists in seagoing and shipbuilding specialties. Professionals in maritime specialties at degrees of Bachelor and Master are trained at the Academy. After finishing, graduates of the Lyceum and College are able to continue training at other structural subdivisions of KSMA.

Maritime College at KSMA

Professional Maritime Lyceum
In addition to theoretical and practical training, cadets of Kherson State Maritime Academy are able to obtain workshop training in fitting; shipboard practice on board the training vessel OM-106 as well as foreign and national vessels. One such is the heavy lift vessel “Warnow Jupiter” manned by Marlow Navigation Co. Ltd. On board the vessel cadets can not only master knowledge obtained, but also continue training in equipped educational laboratory.
Make the right choice!
Looking forward to seeing you at Kherson State Maritime Academy!