Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, responsible for the scientific work of the Department

In 1996 – graduated from the Kherson Industrial Institute with a degree in “Mechanical Engineering Technology” and received the qualification of an engineer-mechanic.

In 2000 – completed postgraduate studies at the Kherson State Technical University, defended his PhD thesis and received the scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Since 2000, he has worked as an associate professor at the Kherson National Technical University.

Since 2007, he has worked as an associate professor at the Department of Operation of Ship Power Plants at the Kherson State Maritime Academy.

In 2019 – completed doctoral studies at the Kherson State Maritime Academy.

In 2021, he defended his doctoral thesis and received the scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.

He has more than 100 publications in scientific publications of Ukraine and scientific papers, 14 of which are included in the scientometric database Scopus and Web of Science, 5 patents of Ukraine for utility models, 1 monograph.

He teaches the disciplines “Ship turbine installations and their operation” and “Methods of identification of objects of ship technical systems and complexes.”

E-mail: agyeyev.maksym@ksma.ks.uamaxageev73-73@ukr.



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