FOR 2020-2025






Approved by the decision of Academic Council

Minutes no. 5 dd. 18.12.2019


Head of Academic Council of KSMA

__________ V. Cherniavskyi













Kherson - 2019





FOR 2020-2025



The mission of Kherson State Maritime Academy, which is one of the leaders of maritime education of Ukraine, is the desire to become the world’s center in training of river and sea transport specialists, who are ready to solve the most difficult professional tasks in the rapidly developing maritime sector.

KSMA is an educational institution that:

ü provides higher education that combines intellectual learning, applied technologies, development of leadership competencies and global awareness;

ü  in accordance with the 1978 STCW Convention, as amended, trains professionals in the full range of shipping, shipbuilding and marine working specialties recognized at the global labor market;

ü provides the opportunity of lifelong learning for those working in river and sea shipping and related industries;

ü is an information and technology resource center for the maritime transport sector and related industries.



As a leader of maritime education recognized by the world maritime community, KSMA seeks to:

ü be a desirable educational institution for entrants who will choose maritime profession and a partner for the world's crewing and shipping companies;

ü provide quality education that meets the highest world standards;

ü be a source of new knowledge, innovative technologies, practices and solutions in the maritime field for students;

ü provide quality infrastructure;

ü promote the development of maritime education in Ukraine, anticipating future problems and proposing innovative solutions.



The activity of Kherson State Maritime Academy as one of the providers of innovations in maritime education of Ukraine is based on ten main values:

ü leadership;

ü  integrity;

ü  professionalism;

ü  transparency;

ü  accountability;

ü  partnership;

ü  innovativeness;

ü  readiness for changes and constant development;

ü  culture of quality;

ü  responsibility.



The Academy positions itself as a center of maritime technological innovations, which includes the simulator training complex for shipboard personnel, takes the necessary measures to achieve a leading role at the national market of maritime education, advanced professional training and specialized research, and aims to enhance its authority in the international educational environment and at the labor market by training highly qualified personnel in the field of sea and river transport.

The Academy synchronizes its strategy with the following strategic and program state and international documents:

ü      Constitution of Ukraine;

ü      Law of Ukraine "On Education";

ü      Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education";

ü      Law of Ukraine "On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities";

ü    National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the period up to 2021 approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dd. April 17, 2002, no. 347/2002;

ü    Recommendations of the European Commission as of March 11, 2005 on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment;

ü    National Doctrine for Development of Education in Ukraine for the periods up to 2021 approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dd. June 25, 2013, no. 344/2013;

ü    Maritime Doctrine of Ukraine for the period up to 2035 approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dd. October 7, 2009, no. 1307.



ü      changes in legislation;

ü      underfunding, high level of inflation;

ü      demographic crisis;

ü      socio-economic crisis phenomena;

ü      employees’ resistance to innovations;

ü      misunderstanding of strategic goal-setting by team members.






1.     Establishment of the Council of the internal quality assurance system for educational activities and higher education of KSMA and its faculties.

2.     Involvement of stakeholders and graduates in the creation, implementation, evaluation of educational programs and students’ learning outcomes. Ensuring external accreditation (including international one) of educational programs.

3.     Ensuring the participation of employers in the educational process of KSMA (teaching of specialized courses, practice supervision, supervision/co-supervision of term papers, graduation and master's theses, etc.).

4.     Creating and maintaining the database of graduates.

5.     Formation of councils with stakeholders at the level of the Academy, its structural subdivisions and separate educational programs. Involvement of hiring companies’ representatives in projecting and evaluation of learning outcomes.

6.     Introducing systematic monitoring of information on personnel benefits and requirements set by hiring companies.

7.     Forming the contingent of responsible and active students possessing the abilities and motivation necessary to obtain higher maritime education.

8.     Taking practical steps to implement the Declaration of Compliance with the Code of Corporate Culture and Academic Integrity.

9.     Introduction of modern technologies at KSMA to combat the manifestations of academic dishonesty, including an effective system for preventing and detecting plagiarism in the works of the educational and scientific process participants.

10.                        Mandatory completion of trainings and seminars on academic integrity and corporate culture by each new employee (regardless of the rank and academic degree).

11.                        Teaching of certain learning components of the educational process to Ukrainian students in English.

12.                        Introduction of an automated system to enroll students in elective disciplines.

13.                        Providing the opportunity of lifelong learning for those working in river and sea shipping and related fields by creating new educational programs.

14.                        Continuing the modernization of KSMA training-laboratory and simulation facilities.

15.                        Development of distance and blended (combined with classroom work) forms of learning.



S C I E N C E     A N D     I N N O V A T I O N

1.     Search and support of new perspective scientific directions and their constant introduction into the educational process and practice.

2.     Effective interaction with Science Park of Kherson State Maritime Academy "Maritime Industry Innovations" in order to commercialize the scientific developments of scientists for account of partnership with business.

3.     Creating a system for monitoring the scientific activities of KSMA employees.

4.     Implementation of research and experimental work on seagoing vessels and ports of Ukraine and the world.

5.     Use of resources of international scientometric databases (Web of Science and Scopus) in the scientific activity of KSMA.

6.     Implementation of the European Charter for Researchers into the activities of the Academy.

7.     Popularization of scientific periodicals of KSMA abroad and work on their inclusion in international scientometric databases.

8.     Licensing of new training programs for doctors of philosophy and doctors of sciences, as well as accreditation of existing programs.

9.     Introduction of English-language educational and scientific training programs for doctors of philosophy.

10.                        Ensuring execution of certificates of copyright state registration, patents for products and utility models by KSMA academic and teaching staff and students.

11.                        Providing conditions for the development of student science and the activities of the Scientific Society of students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists of KSMA.

12.                        Creating a culture of grant activities. Increasing the level of competence of academic and teaching staff on grant activities, providing the necessary assistance in preparing grant applications and support of received grants.

13.                        Development of a system of incentives for scientists who have high scientific activity. Systematic awarding of the best scientists, encouragement of young scientists to participate in competitions of scientific works. Improving the system of general academic awards and distinctions, ensuring their public presentation.

14.                        Continuation of work on filling the KSMA repository, increasing its rating and significance in the digital information space.

15.                        Ensuring the constant introduction of new technologies and innovative methods in the educational process, research activities of KSMA and the system of postgraduate education.




1.     Increasing the prestige of KSMA as one of the leading maritime educational institutions in the world; supporting and establishing cooperation with other maritime institutions of the world.

2.     Achieving recognition of KSMA by various international maritime associations and organizations and taking a leading place in them.

3.     Promoting the participation of staff and students in international academic mobility programs.

4.     Development of the practice of introducing joint double degree programs with partner educational institutions at all levels of education.

5.     Introduction of systematic work in the field of updating information on research and educational projects in KSMA, which require funding from international grants; facilitate search partners.

6.     Presentation of scientific achievements of KSMA at the international scientific, scientific-practical and innovative conferences and exhibitions by increasing funding of the corresponding business trips.

7.     Formation of joint research programs, consortia for the integration of KSMA research into the European and world research space.

8.     Expanding the geography of countries whose citizens are interested in exporting educational services in order to increase the number of foreign applicants and stateless persons.

9.     Expanding the network of cooperation with foreign employers in order to provide more effective employment for KSMA graduates.

P E R S O N N E L     C A P I T A L     D E V E L O P M E N T

1.     Expanding opportunities for professional development of KSMA employees.

2.     Establishing Center of Professional Development of Academic and Teaching Staff.

3.     Selection and certification of trainers for the Center of Professional Development of Academic and Teaching Staff; development and certification of trainings and training courses, their promotion on the market of educational services.

4.     Providing permanent courses in Ukrainian and foreign languages (by levels of proficiency) for academic and teaching staff.

5.     Introduction of new forms of moral and material motivation of the Academy employees.

6.     Development of a system of incentives for scientists who have high scientific activity. Systematic awarding of the best scientists, encouragement of young scientists to participate in competitions of scientific works and international projects.

7.     Development of a transparent system of recognition and career advancement and updating the rating of employees.

8.     Development and implementation of support mechanisms for young teachers and researchers.




1.     KSMA management should be carried out on the principle of combining collegial and single-principle fundamentals. Strengthening the role of the Academic Council as a collegial governing body of KSMA.

2.     Carrying out an audit of all management processes of KSMA and optimizing the structures of existing units in the Academy by delimiting and balancing the functions and powers between them.

3.     Introduction of the principle of moderation and mediation to ensure effective teamwork, conflict prevention and resolution.

4.     Expanding the representation and participation of students in general academic bodies, improving the interaction between administrative units and student government, strengthening the influence and responsibility of students for decision-making and implementation.

5.     Creating an effective personnel management system, the main tasks of which should be as follows: conducting HR audits, selection of highly qualified specialists, their training, development, evaluation, as well as the development of employee incentive programs.

6.     Introduction of an electronic individual teacher’s plan.

7.     Providing legal support for the implementation of the strategy, updating the Charter and other internal regulations that govern the activities of the Academy.




1.     Improving the model of financial resources management of Kherson State Maritime Academy, which should ensure the implementation of strategic and tactical goals of KSMA.

2.     Ensuring centralized transparent planning of the KSMA budget and reporting on its implementation.

3.     Providing a fixed percentage of all financial revenues to KSMA for the development of the informatization component of Kherson State Maritime Academy.

4.     Promoting the introduction of a coordinated system of formation and distribution of financial resources for the needs of student government.

5.     Ensuring the growth of diversified revenues by increasing the share of research carried out on a contractual basis, expanding paid educational services (distance learning, certificate programs, attracting foreign students, etc.), fundraising and joint projects with KSMA partners.