Laboratory of Development of Decision Support Systems, Ergatic and Automated Ship Traffic Control Systems

Laboratory Development of Decision Support Systems, Ergatic and Automated Ship Traffic Control Systems headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor P. Nosov.

The laboratory goals: increasing the effectiveness of the direction of research on the development of mathematical support for decision support systems, ergatic and automated ship traffic control systems, wide involvement of teachers and cadets of the Academy in research and coordination of work during their implementation.

The main tasks of the laboratory are:

• development of mathematical and software support for automated traffic control systems for civil and special-purpose vessels, which improve the reliability and efficiency of vessel traffic control;

• development of models and methods for determining the psychophysiological states of the navigator, whose is associated with high load and stress;

• development of automated decision support subsystems, taking into account the peculiarities of formally presented models of navigators’ behavior in emergency and critical situations.