On November 23, 2023 Kherson State Maritime Academy hosted the XIІІ All-Ukrainian Student Scientific Conference “Modern Problems of Maritime Transport and Maritime Safety”. The scientific event was held in a remote format.
Under the supervision of the teachers of English Language Department for Deck Officers the students of Navigation Faculty prepared their research works on current topics:
“SOFT SKILLS AS A KEY SET OF SKILLS FOR MODERN SEAMEN” – Andrii Protsenko (supervisor – associate professor Larysa Lipshyts);
“MARITIME PIRACY: RISKS AND MEASURES” – Oleksandr Yudchenko (supervisor – associate professor Iryna Shvetsova);
“MODERN PROBLEMS OF MARITIME TRANSPORT AND SAFETY OF NAVIGATION” – Oleksandr Nesterenko (supervisor – senior teacher Iryna Kulikova);
“LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF MARITIME AUTOMATION” – Kyrylo Osadchyi (supervisor –assistant Bohdan Nahrybelnyi).
The holding of the conference proves the interest of students in research activities and serves to improve the quality of professional training of future seafarers.