KSMA has introduced international virtual mobility, that allows participants to participate remotely in the mobility program between KSMA and maritime universities in other countries, in parallel with continuing basic education in their educational institution with the recognition of credits from the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System.
The main goal is to offer a new virtual learning experience at a foreign maritime university. Through online training and virtual communication with foreign teachers and students, participants of international virtual mobility program learn more about another university and its distance learning system.
In February 2021, the International Virtual Academic Mobility project was successfully implemented with the participation of N.Y. Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Varna, Bulgaria), Danube Institute of the National University “Odessa Maritime Academy” (Izmail, Ukraine) and Kherson State Maritime Academy. Participants of the mobility program took a course “Maritime English”. The joint project allowed to expand the boundaries of communication of higher education students and create conditions for the exchange of experiences between teachers.