Dr., Professor, Professor of the Department

  1956-1965 – studied at the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute named after Kirov and received a qualification: electrical engineer, majoring in “Electrical equipment of aircraft.”

  In 1972 he defended his dissertation on the specialty “Experimental Physics” and received the academic title of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

In 1989 he defended his doctoral dissertation at Moscow State Technical University. Bauman on the specialty 05.02.11 “Methods of control in mechanical engineering” (diploma TN № 009251 from 30.06.1989). Since 1991 he has been a professor at the Department of Physics and Energy (diploma of PR № 008444 dated April 25, 1991).

  For active scientific and methodological activity he received the Bronze Medal of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements for the development and implementation of technical diagnostics of metal structures (1989).

  Deputy Head of the Specialized Academic Council K 67.111.01 at the Kherson State Maritime Academy, specialty 05.02.01 – Materials Science. Member of the scientific school “Materials Science, operation and repair of vehicles” (order of the rector of the KSMA № 465 from 02.11.2016). Member of the organizing committees of international scientific and practical conferences.

According to the results of scientific research, more than 350 scientific works have been published, including 5 monographs, 150 articles in foreign and domestic professional journals (53 are included in the Scopus database), 10 copyright certificates, 1 textbook. Provides scientific guidance to graduate and doctoral students. Under his supervision, 4 doctoral and 27 candidate dissertations were defended.

  h-index (Scopus): 2, total number of citations – 7
