Deputy Head of Ship Electrical Equipment and Automatic Devices Operation Department, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the EEADO Department, Electrical Technical Officer.

Guarantor of the educational and professional programme, first (bachelor’s) level of higher education, specialisation 271.03 ” Ship Electrical Equipment and Automatic Devices Operation”.

Education, academic degree, academic title:

2010 – Maritime College of the Higher Educational Institution “Kherson State Maritime Institute” (with honours), speciality: “Electromechanics” \ “Operation of electrical equipment and automation of ships”, qualification – ship’s electrical engineer;

2012 – Kherson State Maritime Academy (with honours), speciality: “Electromechanics. Operation of electrical equipment and automation of ships”, qualification – ship’s electrical engineer;

2014 – Kherson State Maritime Academy (with honours), speciality: “Transport and transport infrastructure. Ship Electrical Equipment and Automatic Devices Operation “, qualification – electrical engineer;

2019 – Kherson State Maritime Academy, speciality: Sea and river transport. Operation of ship power plants, qualification – Bachelor of Science in the operation of ship power plants;

2019 – Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, speciality 05.13.07 Automation of control processes.

More than 15 years of practical experience as an electrical engineer on various purposes (balk carriers, tankers, heavy lifts, multi-purpose vessels, container carriers) international fleet vessels. Took part in the designing and held the position of electrical engineer in receiving crew of the world’s first container ship (Laura Maersk) with a green methanol powered diesel propulsion system.


Department of Programmable Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, Educational and Research Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, February 2024.

Research interests:

Improving the efficiency of shipboard electrical and electronic equipment, automatic control systems, renewable energy, electronically controlled propulsion systems

Research papers:
