Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Ship Power Engineering for Educational and Methodological Work
2007 – graduated from Kherson National Technical University, received a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology.
2007 – 2008 worked as a senior engineer-technologist of the mechanical shop at the Kherson plant of LLC “Avto-Electromash”.
2008 – 2011 worked as the head of the training laboratories of the Department of Operation of Ship Power Plants and General Engineering Training of the KhSMA.
2011 – 2013 worked as an assistant at the Department of Operation of Ship Power Plants and General Engineering Training.
In 2013 – defended his candidate’s thesis in the specialty 05.03.01 – mechanical processing processes, machine tools and tools.
Since 2014 – associate professor of the Department of Operation of Ship Power Plants.
He has more than 70 scientific and methodological works, including 15 patents for inventions and utility models.
He teaches the discipline “Ship boiler plants and their operation.”
E-mail: babij.myxajlo@ksma.ks.ua
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0560-2081